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Independent escort and babe

About me

As an independent escort, my ultimate goal is to embody the qualities you seek in an ideal female companion. Standing at a petite height of 160cm, I may be shorter in stature, but I assure you I make up for it in other ways.

I take pride in my inclusive sexual orientation, as I am open to building relationships with individuals of various genders. Consider me your trusted guide in exploring new experiences, both in and out of the bedroom.

With my flowing mane of blonde hair, I exude an undeniable allure. As a German private escort, my main focus is to cater to your unique needs and desires. My attractive DD breasts add to my sensuality, while my youthful charm captivates those around me.

Allow me to gaze into your eyes with my warm, brown irises, as we embark on an unforgettable journey together. Despite my slight frame, weighing less than 40kg, I possess an endearing figure that will leave you longing for more.

Prepare yourself for the companionship of a captivating Asian private escort, as I am here to fulfill your adult fantasies and desires. Whether it is the fulfillment of a woman’s desires or exploring uncharted territories, I am here to make your dreams a reality.


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NSW/Mcmahons Point


Time Outcall In-call
30min $250 $300
1hour $350 $400
2hour $450 $500

Additional price information

All rates in about me




    B & D,Bondage,Costumes,Couples,Filming,LK,Secretary,Sexy lingerie,Strip tease,Cuddling and Touching,Intimidation on You,Submissive

My profile

Ethnicity Asian
Hair color Blonde
Languages German
Body type Tall
Weight < 40kg
Height 5’3 or under(160cm)
Breast DD cup
eyes Brown
Sexuality Bisexual
Gender Female

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